Saturday, March 29, 2008


So the move is done - for now. The new house will be finished within 3 months, if all goes as planned (cross your fingers with me). We finished moving out and cleaning up around 1:45 am Friday morning, then fell into bed at the Curtises at about 2:15. Too bad our kids haven't figured out how to sleep in yet. 7:30 came at its usual time, and we were not too happy. BUT, we got through closing, came away with money in hand for the first time EVER when selling a house, and we're done. So our clothes and toys are here with us, while the rest of our stuff is being stored in the unfinished basement of WONDERFUL people in our ward. I owe so many people so much. They've all been so amazing. People called and offered help with the moving, with the kids, meals, help with singing time on Sunday, etc. We were overwhelmed. Everyone we asked for help was glad to do it. And the ones that came and offered without being asked just blew us away. It was truly a wonderful experience (as much as moving ever can me), and it helped me see what true service looks like. I feel like every hard thing in my life just prepares me to help people better when they go through their hard times. Heck, we all have 'em, so let's just all come together and share the burden. I guess that's the whole idea... I'm just now starting to understand it better.

So, we got settled. Had the "who cooks dinner which nights" discussion (yay! I don't have to cook every night!!! And Chad is the main cook at the Curtises, and he actually enjoys it and is GOOD at it. I am going to eat very well, and learn a few things in the process!!!). Were getting ready to go sleepy-bye, and we hear Leah calling out from her room/the office. We go check her out, and there's barf everywhere. Well, rush to the tub, quiet Bekah, change the blankets/pillow, get Leah back into bed, turn on the monitor just in case this happens again. Sure enough, 5:30, and she's yacking again. And on and off for the rest of the morning. Frank stayed with her while I took Bekah down with me to our bed and tried to get some more sleep for both of us. Bekah, I know you think you're cute, but NOTHING'S cute at 6:30 in the morning. Go to sleep! She kept patting my face and stuff. Finally she fell back to sleep for a tiny bit, and when I woke up again, she had a pair of Leah's shoes on, so who knows how long she'd been up. I absolutlely cannot believe I slept through any of that. Well, yeah I can. I was exhausted. Light sleeper or not, my body just took over. Sleep it is. Well, we all took naps this afternoon, Bekah and I for 4 hours (!). Oh, and Bekah threw up too before naptime, but it was just the one time.

Anyway, I'm holding up remarkably well, but my sub-conscious mind is more than likely storing up all bits of stress and upset and tiredness, and it will likely blow up eventually. Just be warned world. I love you, and I apologize in advance, but I will likely have some fragile days coming. Oh well, it'll be over soon. We'll settle into a new routine for our new temporary home, the kids will get better, Bekah won't be 2 forever (right?), and it'll be okay.

I will say, the kids have been sleeping together in the same bed - the Curtises pull-out bed from the couch - for the first time ever, and they're doing great! They have been going right to sleep at night, and there's been no fighting, or even talking after lights out. This is great, especially since we broke the crib in the move (sad!), and Bekah will be in a big girl bed once we get to the new house. This is a great way to get her used to it. I think she'll do just fine.

Okay, my brain is shutting down, and I am going to go see what I can do to clean up some vomit-crusted blankets, jammies, pillows, sheets, etc. I know, you wish you could trade me places. Well, it's a glamorous life, but someone has to live it.


Katie and Steve said...

Wow! Your life totally rocks. Nothing says 'Thanks for letting us stay in your home for 3 months' like a little barf. Way to go girls!

Lauren in GA said...

Bless your heart! The stress of moving and then on top of that VOMIT! I am so sorry!

Hang in there! If you need to call and cry I am always here for you!

I am so glad that the girls are sleeping well in the same bed, though. Hopefully, you can get some naps in some, too.

Melanie said...

That is awesome, Tracy. If anyone can live with others for 3 months, you can. And Frank is so personable and forgiving, & easy to talk to, etc. It will work out great. By now, you probably have had some sleep and the girls are better, but good luck! It's been so recently that I didn't sleep (for 11 months) that I can feel your pain as I read it! Love, Melanie