So, this will highlight the difference between my 2 daughters, Leah (4) and Rebekah (2). At the church Easter egg hunt on Saturday, Bekah jumped right in and found about 15 eggs, including ones in the middle of bushes. Leah took her time, and each one she picked up had to be brushed free of dirt before she put it in her basket. I pointed one out to her, as all you parents know how to do, and she refused that one because it had a bug on it. Yeah, I didn't see it happen, but

imagine that Bekah was somewhere in the bushes EATING the bugs. Anyway, Leah did end up getting 9 eggs, and she was very happy with that. Mind you, there were eggs EVERYWHERE, and they were limited to 20 apiece...

The same thing happened with their first birthday cakes. Bekah finally cried when she got the frosting in her eyes, while Leah picked at the frosting on the edge until I went and got her a fork to feed her with.
It's so interesting to see how they can be SOOOO different, even when they look so alike. I do have people ask me in the store all the time if they're twins. We don't think they look that much alike, but then we're around them all the time. So, here are a couple of my favorite "twins" photos.


Tracy, I literally laughed out loud when I read this. Bekah, eating the bugs and only crying once she got frosting in her eyes! It is so true...how can children be so different?
I love your witty writing. I am loving this!
Seriously, people ask you if they are twins? That's crazy! They are so different (and different sizes). Weird. But, I do love the baby pictures. They're beautiful. Oh, to have a girl...:sigh:
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