Gosh, this blog is not intended to just be a laundry list of complaints. I just realized that I've done a lot of complaining so far. Well, let's put a positive note out there. We had our pre-construction meeting for our house yesterday, and the builder project manager told us that we're looking at a late June end date, possibly earlier. We're SOOOOO excited. It was awesome to walk through the model again and plan out where we're going to place furniture, etc. We've actually been so blessed through this whole process. Our house sold in 19 days, which in such a tough market right now is remarkable. We weren't prepared when we started this process to have to come up with a 5% down payment, but, as I mentioned, Frank has been slammed with work lately, which, while hard for all of us in some ways, means that we've been able to make that 5%. It's quite amazing how the Lord opens up the way for you sometimes. We really feel like this is what we're supposed to be doing, and He just seems to be removing obstacles left and right. I'm so very thankful.
So I took the girls to the library yesterday for some books, and I checked out several books on window treatments. I've fallen asleep almost every night thinking about how we're going to decorate the house. I can't wait! Oh, here's the virtual tour of a model that's the same floor plan as our new house. The front will be different, but the layout inside will be the same.
It'll look similar to this on the outside, but with darker siding and dark rock on a good portion of the front and dormer windows above the garage. It's going to look so awesome, and I'm so excited to have that full front porch. So very southern. :)
Okay, the kids are needing my attention. Fortunately not because poop is dripping anywhere this time. Just could use some interaction. I think I can handle that today... :)
I laughed out loud at the Leah poop story...that was hilarious! That home is beautiful...I can see why you are excited! So, what options are you getting? Third floor bedroom? Sunroom? I need more details!!
Wow, you must be stalking my blog. I JUST posted that! :) We're doing the sunroom and the 3rd floor bedroom, just like that model. Frank's going to have his office up on the 3rd so he can just shut himself up in the "bat cave" and disappear for the day when he needs to. Hopefully it'll help keep him with the working from home situation. The girls like to think that if he's home, it must be play time, and they get mad at him when he can't. And then I have to make sure they don't go into the office, meaning I have to kind of stick close by them and supervise them more than they would typically need. Anyway, I think it's all going to be great! I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait! When are you guys moving? Have you put your house up on the market yet (you are selling, right? I usually just hear Frank's side of the phone conversation...)?
Oh, my...12, or so, throw ups, dripping poop and (my personal favorite), "SHOOTING" poop! Whoa.
That house is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! It is the Bee's Knees, girlie!!!!!!! How totally exciting!
And...I am so glad you are getting a large front porch...(now read this part with your best Southern accent) Why, Land Sakes, that house is just bah-you-ti-full and a porch is going to be wun-da-ful! We simply hay-ave to come and visit but, don't worry I will make sure my boys are on their best buh-hay-ve-yah!
Seriously, Congrats! Sooooo Exciting!
wow. you are making me tired just reading... I know how hard that is... i hope it gets better dor you guys. moving with kids is the WORST!!!! I love thew new house though! Cant wait for you guys!
luv ya!
Gross, Bekah. Don't you know your mom is tired and dosen't want to clean up your yucky poop? Just make sure that next time you do it when your daddy can clean it up :) That's what I tell Rachel.
how are the girls (and esp. you) feeling??
WOW! That house is beautiful! It looks like 3 times the size of the old place. I am a little jealous. A brand new house would be so nice.
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