Friday, April 18, 2008


So I was in the middle of cooking dinner last night, and Bekah came to me with my deodorant in hand, and said, "It's yucky, mommy," and there were little teeth marks in the top. Oh child. So I look on the label, and of course it says if swallowed, call poison control immediately. Great. Well, my first official poison control call went well. The lady actually chuckled a bit when I told her, and one thinks that she must've known a couple of two-year-olds in her time. So we get Bekah to drink a little water, make sure that she hears us say never to do that again - about 14 times (during one of which she grabs for some of Leah's medicine with a twinkle in her eye, and has to get a little hand slap), and we go back to our lives...

Finish with dinner prep, go do retrieve the girls for dinner time, and find Bekah in my bedroom eating a cough drop. Oh my gosh child!!! Do I need to hogtie you?! Don't think I won't!

With Leah, we told her once, MAYBE twice about something to remind her, and she'd never even think of doing it again. Early on, we had adopted the philosophy of not baby-proofing your house, but house-proofing your baby - setting limits and then expecting them to comply. That just doesn't quite compute with Thing Two. But I'm still sold on the philosophy, and am determined to get through her devious little skull. We just have to up the discipline ante. So I'm steeling myself for being mean mom for the next, well, however long it takes. And if that doesn't work, some traveling gypsy troop is... no, that's not even nice.

And Leah... she's getting moody. And bedtime is a major struggle lately. (Just so we don't all think that Leah never does anything wrong...) But there's no good story related to that, so that's all I'll say about that. But her tummy STILL hurts! And mostly when she's in time out, or needing to go to bed and she doesn't want to. So while she's not one to make up symptoms - she's always been very honest - she IS one to be a bit on the dramatic side at times... All the same, it's been 3 weeks, and I guess I need to call the doc again today. I'm guessing she may be stressed from the move or something.

I tell you, I've been really blessed. I haven't totally lost it during this whole thing. I mean, moving's bad enough, but we had Frank and the girls sick for 2 weeks, Frank working like a crazy man, I lost my wallet (didn't mention that...), Bekah's pushing all of her limits, Leah's stressing out and being cranky to the max... and I've been able to keep it together. AND (knock on wood) I never got sick. I sure was sick OF the smell of puke, but that's normal... So I'm thankful. No asylum for me.................. yet.


Lauren in GA said...

I love the title! And...please know that I am not laughing AT you when I say how this post totally cracked me up. YOU are a very comedic and witty writer!!! I loved the, "Oh Child." and, "Do I need to hogtie you?!"

So funny! But, I am sorry that it (the move and all) is stressful! You are doing a great job!

MomMadsen said...

Honey.....I sat and read all this stuff and I was immediately sucked back into the time tunnel. Let me say, once again, you will love it when Becca become three. I'll bet the girls will be so much happier once you get into the house. Love ya tons.......MOM