Sunday, April 27, 2008

cute kids

Leah had her first talk in primary today, and she was SO excited. Well, she was supposed to have one a couple of months ago, and since I'd packed my brain away in a box, I forgot. So ever since then, Leah'd been asking when she'd have a turn again. Well, she finally got her shot. Frank helped her with the whole thing. It was about following the prophet, so he had her talk about how the people who followed Noah were kept safe. And the same happens when we follow the prophet today... You get the point. So he had her draw a picture of Noah and the ark (I'll have to scan it tomorrow to show you). It was truly awesome. Noah was there in the ark, along with the big steering wheel. There was a giraffe, a couple of mermaids and a princess, a bad guy drowning, but he had a smile on his face because he changed his mind to be a good guy... So Frank had her explain her picture to everyone, and she spoke so clearly for everyone to hear (after a one-time reminder to speak up from Dad). He then asked her why she had drawn the picture, hoping that she'd say something like, "to show how the people who followed the prophet were kept safe...", but she said, "because you told me to." I so love that kid! She did a great job, and I was very proud of her.

She's become a big fan of praying lately, which is cool. Today as we were leaving church, she said that they had forgotten to say the closing prayer in her class, so she said "I'll just say one here in the car real quick."

And again a couple of nights ago, we got home and were getting in jammies. Wait, let me provide a little background before this: a couple of nights before, she had gotten her new Tinker Bell jammies soaking wet somehow (I guess it was because she put them down in the sink when she was going potty, and maybe left them in there when she washed her hands). Anyway, this was to be her first chance to wear the new jammies, so she put them on regardless of the wetness. I discovered this and told her to take them off so I could throw them in the dryer for a few minutes. Well, all Hades broke loose. No amount of me telling her that it would only be for a couple of minutes, that she would still be able to wear them, would console her. So she got threatened that if she didn't stop throwing a fit, she'd not be able to wear them at all that night. Well, she kept it up, so I had to stick to my guns and tell her that she could have the chance to wear them the next night, but that she'd lost her opportunity for that night. So, back to the story... As she's getting ready for bed, I heard just the end of a very quiet prayer she was saying to herself, and asked what she'd been praying about. She told me that she'd seen that the jammies shirt was a little dirty, so she prayed that it would come clean so that it wouldn't have to go in the dryer again. And I never did see that it was dirty at all, so maybe that kid's faith is strong enough to have gotten her shirt miraculously clean. So sweet. She also prays every time she has an ow-ie now so that it can get feeling better, and she knows that it doesn't always get feeling better right away. I think we could all take a lesson from such simple faith. What a kid.

1 comment:

Lauren in GA said...

That was so delightful! I love the description of her picture and how she told Frank, "because you told me to". She is a riot! And so prayerful :).

I agree, it is humbling and amazing the faith they have.

(I loved hearing about the drowning, smiling, repentant man!)