Hi friends. I am very excited to tell you about a new food storage book that is coming out. It's from the lady who brought us everydayfoodstorage.net, which I 've written about before. I told you that her 100% whole wheat bread recipe has ended my search, and I've since tried the white bread version on the same post. It too is divine, and it will now replace my old favorite recipe - which was delicious as well. So I'm very very excited to try out more of her recipes, and have it all in one place (and not on the computer, just in case of the apocalypse or whatever. :)).
It's available for pre-order on Amazon, which is what I'm planning to do. Thanks for indulging my obsession. It's all I've been thinking about lately.
Incidentally, we're doing well. We had a fantastic Easter up in VA with (almost) the whole Schwartz family.
It was so great to see you all!
thanks again for having us!! you have a lovely family!!
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