First of all, yes. Yes, my children have lost their minds. Leah actually took this first picture. It's probably the first one she took where there was an actual subject IN the photo. Go Leah.
We are so excited to have an actual dining room, so we can have actual guests over, and actually NOT have to move the kitchen table into the other room and squeeze between the piano and desk. Nothing says "welcome to our home" like, "here, you can either sit here on the piano bench, or next to the toddler - just watch out, she spits... or throws, or any number of things..." Now if we can just find a dining room table...
And other than that, I have to report that I have a new favorite ice cream, and I want to thank the good people at Harris Teeter for giving it to me BOGO every once in a while. Or maybe I should be cursing them... It is Blue Bunny Super Chunky Cookie Dough. Oh. my. word. It's so good. I've always been a fan of the cookie dough in the ice cream, but this one takes it to some sort of nirvana-esque level. If you can get Blue Bunny where you live, and they have a BOGO sale, do yourself a terrible favor, and gain a new addiction in your life. Your thighs will thank me! You know they were feeling neglected...
You are so funny and fun to read! You call me the hilarious one...take a look at yourself, girlie!
I love how you declared undying love for your cabinets (which are so gorgeous, by the way) and the ice cream. I want some of that ice cream, now...perhaps I should just rub it directly ONTO my thighs to save some time in where it will end up anyway.
I LOVE THE DINING ROOM!!! I love (what are those boxes of decoration called? Wainscotting? A chair rail? Anyway I love that!)
I laughed heartily at the, "careful she spits, or throws..." You are so funny!
I love the picture Leah took, too! Frank should let her film with him at work, too.
Tracy!!! Love the progress on the house... so exciting! I have been craving cookie dough ice cream all week... I feel an HT stop coming on first thing Monday morning (BOGO or NOT)!!! - Linz
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