Sunday, May 31, 2009

Anyone else have this problem?

I don't write much in my blog. I don't read many other people's blogs either (it's nothing personal I swear - let me 'splain). I guess it's because, well, for one, I'm lazy. But the number 2 (I just said number 2) reason is that everyone else's blog makes them look so amazing. And I think, "Blah. What could I even write? I don't do any of that cool stuff." I know, I know, I need to stop thinking that kind of (cover your ears [eyes?] girls) crap. But it sneaks in there.

Cuz here's the thing. My house is NOT immaculate. Nor are my children. I don't even do their hair every day (or sometimes - if you saw them in church today, you'd know - I don't even do it on Sundays...). I don't do hundreds of creative things with them all the time - heck, I barely make it out to the park once in a blue moon because it's so stinking humid. I don't sew, I have baskets FULL of clean laundry that hasn't been folded for I don't know how long, I don't create new recipes for spelt or the wheat grass I've sprouted... okay, maybe I'm taking it a bit too far.

And here's how I'm going to make it all better for myself. I am going to pat my back in front of everyone. I have 2 sweet, well-behaved girls. I take them to the library usually once a week, and they love it. I keep my house much cleaner than I used to. I have a great relationship with my husband, and I never put him down or complain about him to my friends/family. I (feel like I'm scraping for more good stuff, but I'll get there...) teach 7 piano students, and just had a very successful and enjoyable recital over at our house. I have a good start with my 3-month and 1-year food storage, plus 72-hour kits that we never had before this year. Um, I have stopped buying milk, and my kids are totally fine with the powdered stuff (well, Leah stopped drinking milk out of a cup - i.e. will only take it over cereal, or with chocolate - long before I introduced said powder, but she didn't even notice the change over her cereal). I'm pretty jazzed about that one actually. I just feel that much more prepared for the eventual craziness - I tell you, if people were shot over the gas shortage, I can't even begin to think what's going to happen if we can't get milk in the stores... But I digress. I have window coverings on about 3/4 of my windows, about half of which I "created" or sewed myself. And most importantly, I love my family, and I know that they know it.

Sure, there's SO much more I CAN and, really, SHOULD be doing (not in a beating myself up way, but a legitimate acknowledgement of falling short of what I am capable of), but I'm doing okay. So, take that, Mrs. Negative Pants (that's me). You're not so bad. Go ahead and post on your stupid blog, and let others inspire you instead of being a lame-o and letting them get you down.



Melanie said...

Um, the laundry in said baskets is clean? One more pat.

And you just listed some really cool things... window coverings... what are those, again? My windows are just asking.

Can I point out to you that you "don't sew" but you sewed the coverings?

I know you didn't write the post to elicit praise, but people who love you are going to rally around. Love you Tracy!!!

Tracy said...

Thanks Mel. You made me laugh. I guess I CAN sew in STRAIGHT lines, so hooray for me. ;) Love ya.

Candace said...

K, so I totally understand how you feel.. I was so anti-blog because of this, I felt like why everyone is so amazing... I'm NOT!! And ok I REALLY don't sew, not even a straight line!! And I don't know the first thing about food storage or couponing so does that qualify me as a bad mom/wife??? I need some lessons? I just focus on what I am good at and the rest will come later..... maybe?? LOL!!

Tracy said...

Isn't that what we should all do a whole lot more of? Focusing on what we can do? I have to remind myself that I don't have to do it all or be it all TODAY, but give myself time to grow up - and get the kids in school - and all kinds of other stuff. Thanks for the reminder, and OF COURSE you don't qualify as a bad wife/mom. All I need to know is how much my daughter adores you to know that you're AMAZING! :):)

Keri said...

Tracy, you are wonderful!! I have always thought so. And now that I know you make your own window coverings, I am totally intimidated.

You should know that I check your blog every week, to see if you have updated, so that I can know what is going on with your wonderful family! So thanks for this great post. Now I want to see some pics!!

MomSchwartz said...

I miss being able to drive up and visit you and the girls. I think you are amazing! I'd love some lessons in couponing. Call or e-mail me with some how to's please. I love you sweetie.

Amy said...

um, can i drive down there and pat your back for you?? I can say from experience that you are most successful in one thing I feel like we don't always hit: When i walk into your home EVERY time, I feel the Spirit and the peace it brings. Pat yourself, you do an awesome job WHERE IT MATTERS!!!!! we love you guys!

Tracy said...

Aw, thanks Amy. That just made my day. I really appreciate your comment! Love ya. Kiss that beautiful baby for me, and tell her her Aunt Tracy misses her. :)

Lauren in GA said...

I am not sure you realize how funny you are. Hey, hey...stop it...I mean funny in a GREAT way. I mean...take this post for example...I was giggling as I read things like, "let me 'splain." and, "(I just said number 2)" and "(cover your ears [eyes?] girls.)crap." And then referring to yourself as, "Mrs. Negative Pants"...I love your humor especially in the midst of your going through a time of self doubt.

I think you are amazing. Just so you know...and we all know I am positively you should never doubt what I say.

Melanie made me laugh when she said, "window coverings...what are those, again? My windows are just asking." She is funny ☺ are way ahead of me...I had no idea what spelt even is!

Tracy said...

Thanks La. I have to be hilarious to keep up with you. And I DO believe you, so I must be awesome. Thanks for reminding me. :) Love ya.

alisa said...

Do ya know what else you forgot to put down....YOU are an AMAZING friend! I only wish I was as "intune" as you to know exactly what someone needs to hear at the right moment. You are a genuine friend...and that is a MAJOR Talent my friend! And you do have some amazing little ladies!

Tracy said...

Thanks sweet Alisa. "I learned it by watching you, all right?"

Brandi said...

Tracy I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. When I first started blogging I had a post entitled "Blog GAG!" all about how everyone's blog made their lives seem so perfect. So I hear you loud and clear. I agree with everyone else that you have so many great talents! My sister suffers from the same blogging hang up and I keep telling her, don't worry about impressing or keeping up with everyone else, blog for yourself! The reason I keep my blog up regularly is so I don't forget about all the beautiful memories my family is making (I have such a bad memory.) The fact that others come visit my blog is just icing on the cake. I do it for me. And btw I was looking at your girls hair at church the other week and thinking "Wow it looks so cute. Tracy must have spent a lot of time on it!" So you've got me fooled. Keep it up! :)

Tracy said...

Good point Brandi. Thanks for that - I needed it. :)

And the girls' hair? I did it up nice that one day, which was the very next Sunday after I wrote the post. And have you seen it since? HA ha ha. I decided to just give myself a break on that one. It's 8:30 church after all.