Sunday, May 31, 2009

Anyone else have this problem?

I don't write much in my blog. I don't read many other people's blogs either (it's nothing personal I swear - let me 'splain). I guess it's because, well, for one, I'm lazy. But the number 2 (I just said number 2) reason is that everyone else's blog makes them look so amazing. And I think, "Blah. What could I even write? I don't do any of that cool stuff." I know, I know, I need to stop thinking that kind of (cover your ears [eyes?] girls) crap. But it sneaks in there.

Cuz here's the thing. My house is NOT immaculate. Nor are my children. I don't even do their hair every day (or sometimes - if you saw them in church today, you'd know - I don't even do it on Sundays...). I don't do hundreds of creative things with them all the time - heck, I barely make it out to the park once in a blue moon because it's so stinking humid. I don't sew, I have baskets FULL of clean laundry that hasn't been folded for I don't know how long, I don't create new recipes for spelt or the wheat grass I've sprouted... okay, maybe I'm taking it a bit too far.

And here's how I'm going to make it all better for myself. I am going to pat my back in front of everyone. I have 2 sweet, well-behaved girls. I take them to the library usually once a week, and they love it. I keep my house much cleaner than I used to. I have a great relationship with my husband, and I never put him down or complain about him to my friends/family. I (feel like I'm scraping for more good stuff, but I'll get there...) teach 7 piano students, and just had a very successful and enjoyable recital over at our house. I have a good start with my 3-month and 1-year food storage, plus 72-hour kits that we never had before this year. Um, I have stopped buying milk, and my kids are totally fine with the powdered stuff (well, Leah stopped drinking milk out of a cup - i.e. will only take it over cereal, or with chocolate - long before I introduced said powder, but she didn't even notice the change over her cereal). I'm pretty jazzed about that one actually. I just feel that much more prepared for the eventual craziness - I tell you, if people were shot over the gas shortage, I can't even begin to think what's going to happen if we can't get milk in the stores... But I digress. I have window coverings on about 3/4 of my windows, about half of which I "created" or sewed myself. And most importantly, I love my family, and I know that they know it.

Sure, there's SO much more I CAN and, really, SHOULD be doing (not in a beating myself up way, but a legitimate acknowledgement of falling short of what I am capable of), but I'm doing okay. So, take that, Mrs. Negative Pants (that's me). You're not so bad. Go ahead and post on your stupid blog, and let others inspire you instead of being a lame-o and letting them get you down.
