Monday, December 15, 2008

Can you hold it?

So we're through the main part of potty training Bekah (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), meaning that she only wears diapers at night now. It's so awesome, and we're so proud. Anyway, last night on our way home from our stake Christmas musical fireside (which was awesome if I do say so), Bekah said from the back seat that she needed to go potty. We were about 5 minutes away from home still, and so we asked if she could hold it in until we got home. She said she could, and so we just punched the gas a bit. I looked back a minute later to check on her and make sure she was holding it okay, and sure enough, I saw her reaching her little hands down under her tiny bum, and holding her bum. She was going to literally hold it in.

And we made it home! That's my big girl!!!


Melanie said...

These are the kind of posts that make history =) It makes me laugh out loud, and I needed that.

Lauren in GA said...

Way to hold it Bekah! *sniff* such a big girl!

I love the new header to your blog and the other picture you had up there, too. Beeeeeeeuuuutiiiifuuuul.

Amy said...

hahaha:-) i love her! that is sooo awesome!