So we had a barbeque (which I think should be pronounced "barbek") the other night with some neighbors. I neglected to cover every inch of my children with bug spray, and this is my come uppance:

Sorry Bekah.
This is what she told me this morning, "I had a good night's sleep last night. But something happened to my eye."
ohh... thats pitiful!! Poor thing, and she's still so dar cute regardless!!!
Admit it, you slugged her, didn't you?
Besides her eye I just have to say that she looks beautiful...the color of her hair and eyes and her gorgeous die for!
...and now I am calling Child Protective Services...
Wow gals, that was fast. Now I know you're stalking me.
But speaking of socking someone, at the 4th of July stake party we went to, there was a mishap during the tug-of-war, and Leah's ear came ear to face with a guy in our ward (there was a certain amount of dragging and trampling involved - pretty dramatic and upsetting). Anyway, Leah's ear got a huge bruise, but you should've seen the other guy. He got a black eye. Leah's first. :)
Poor baby! I agree with Amy, she still is beautiful. Guess she didn't inherit my relative lack of allergic reaction to bug bites. Tell her I love her (and Leah also). Love, MOM
What a sweetheart. You and I have got to figure out a better way to keep these nasty bugs away from our kids.
oh my gosh! Poor thing. I hate the bugs here. Don't even get me started. She was so sweet about it too.
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