So here's the deal. I have a baby growing inside of me. I also have a fibroid tumor (NON-cancerous) growing inside of me, and it's currently taking up way more room than the baby. My doctor found it when I was pregnant with Bekah, and it didn't cause me any problems at all. We fast forward to a few weeks ago, and I start googling "I'm only 7 weeks along, and growing WAY too fast..." I just finally put it out of my mind with "It's my third child" and "I've always carried way big" and "I'm just that much more woman to love..." Well, fast forward again to my 12 week appointment, where my doctor goes to check the heartbeat for the first time. She feels around on my tummy to get the right position, and is SHOCKED that I'm as big as I am. Reading her response, I said, "Is it twins?" She said that I was measuring at a 16-week size, and that she'd like to do an ultrasound right away. Yikes. It's then that I remember and mention to her my fibroid. Well, it's probably just that. Can we just wait till the normal ultrasound (since I'm paying for it...)? No, I think we should have a look now. Besides, then we'll get a really great heartbeat, and you can call your husband and let him hear.
So they get me in right away. Lucky scheduling break for me. The sonographer takes a look, and finds that lovely fibroid, which a friend decided I should call "Bob", and says that it's the size of a large grapefruit. It's doubled since we last saw it (4 years ago). I go back to the doc, and, okay. We know that the baby's the right size. Has a strong 162 beats per minute heartbeat, and looks totally healthy (although too young to see any "parts"). Whew! And we are just going to "keep an eye" on Bob. It's at the top of my uterus, which we knew from Bekah's pregnancy, so it won't get in the way of delivery. Although, since it's so big, it has the possibility of tricking the uterus into thinking that the baby is big enough to deliver, so a possible pre-term issue. And though it's non-symptomatic now, it may one day start to cause issues/pain/etc. So we're keeping an eye on it.
And then stupid old google tells me that these things could possibly be cancerous, and this lady had to have a total hystectomy, and these ladies had miscarriages because of theirs, and BLAH BLAH BLAH. I've tried to be calm and just take my cues from the doctor, who's not overly worried. But you know how google can get to you sometimes...
So, I asked Frank for a blessing today. I've been generally calm and level-headed, and peaceful when I've prayed, but I just wanted an added boost of peace for anything that might come up. And boy, I don't know how people get by without being able to hear from their Heavenly Father through a righteous man. I was told that He is very aware of me, what's going on with my health and my body, and that this baby has been sent at this time to be a member of my family. I will be able to deliver without incident, and these things will not cause me problems. If any issues do arise, my doctors and my faith will enable me to overcome them. I was also blessed with the physical, emotional and spiritual strength to get me through bringing this child to Earth.
It was so wonderful. Just what I needed. Heavenly Father knows me. I KNOW that. I wasn't SO worried, but I don't know where things will progress, and how worried I may get. And He just went ahead and removed the worry from the whole process for me. I'm so very thankful.
And one other added bonus: when the stupid people ask if I'm giving birth to a horse, or if I'm SURE it's not twins, or if I'm going to go into labor TODAY, I can now say, "No, I just have one baby and a giant TUMOR!" and then they will feel really bad!!! Mwahahahahah!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Happy Summer
So we had a barbeque (which I think should be pronounced "barbek") the other night with some neighbors. I neglected to cover every inch of my children with bug spray, and this is my come uppance: 
Sorry Bekah.
This is what she told me this morning, "I had a good night's sleep last night. But something happened to my eye."
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