This is a tracking system like many out there, where it shows how much you have, and gives recommendations of what you have left to buy. The nice thing about this one, is that it includes nutritional values and links directly to where to buy the products you are missing. I would not recommend getting everything through Emergency Essentials - you can get many things lots cheaper through the LDS cannery or Walton Feed. However, for convenience, and smaller purchases, I've really liked Emergency Essentials. They have one of my two favorite powdered milks, the Provident Pantry Nonfat Instant dry milk. It tastes as close to the real thing as I've found.
I do recommend that you look at the church's web site for their recommendations on what to store, rather than rely solely on a store's recommendations. Of course, they're going to want to sell you as much as they can, as that's their business. So, always one for unbiased, I do suggest you stick with the church's guidelines, at least to get you started with the most important stuff.
All said and done, I think this is a good tool, and would recommend it to friends. (Now send me my $10 gift card so I can buy more milk...)