We had our first walk-through of the house yesterday, to tell them where we want the cable and phone things to go. It was SOOOOOOOO much fun. I think building a house is one of the most exciting things. Our house in GA was new, and we got to pick all the colors and stuff, but we were living in UT while they finished it up, and we moved in with it already finished. It was cool, but simply cannot compare to being able to drive there 3 or 4 times a week and see what's been done. We are thoroughly pumped. This week they will put up the drywall, after which they will probably be able to give us a fairly solid move-in date. YAY!!!
I have pictures, but they're still on my camera, and the camera is in the car, and I'm in my jammies. That's not about to change, so you'll have

So, our realtor is a great guy, and we've referred a couple of friends from the ward to him. He's started asking questions about what makes us Mormons different. Frank's spoken with him on numerous occasions about the church, and he finally said, "Rich, why don't you just come and see?" Rich replied that if I were to sing in church, he'd come. Frank said he was sure that could be arranged. So today, I sang in church, and Rich was there with his wife. I spoke with him afterwards, and he liked it. He said that at this point in his life (he's probably in his late 50s), he's looking for the right place for him. He was raised Catholic, but is starting to disagree with some of the things that they teach. So he said that he's been asking a lot of questions, and that he went on the web site to order a copy of the Book of Mormon... Whoah! I didn't know he was that serious about it! Anyway, he said how he was amazed that the next day, two sister missionaries knocked on his door. He said that they were the nicest people he'd met, and that he just felt like he wanted to give them a hug. He wasn't able to have them in then, but was very apologetic and told them that he'd give them a call later on in the week. How about that?! I was so excited to hear about that. We will be adding him to our prayers. Not only does he need the true gospel, but he'd fit in so well in our ward. Oh wait, he'd not be in our ward because he lives in a neighboring city. Well, I'm sure the Mint Hill ward is a good one too.
Anywho, so I mentioned that I sang in church. Well, since it is Memorial Day weekend, I was asked to sing something patriotic. I found a really nice arrangement of the Star-Spangled Banner, so I sang that. It started out just fine, but then a couple stood up. Another couple on the other side of the chapel joined them, and then the bishop stood, which prompted the rest of the ward to stand. This all took place in about the first line and a half. The spirit really hit me, and I was humbled to have everyone standing there for this great song, and, I don't know, intimidiated? a little. It was just pretty powerful, not to mention unexpected, and it threw me off pretty good. I started crying while I sang, so those first two lines were, um, not so good. I don't remember ever having cried while singing solo before. It was interesting to try to recover from. Anyway, I did recover, and it ended up being a cool experience. I love when music brings the spirit into a meeting very powerfully, and it was neat to be able to facilitate and take part in that this time.
Well, my brain is shutting itself off for the night, and who am I to resist? It's been nice chattin' at ya. Happy Memorial Day everyone. And to all a good night.